Best Patio Door Installation and Replacement Contractor in Florida

  • In Florida, installing or replacing a patio door is a wise investment
  • We offer customized patio door solutions with a wide range of styles, including sliding, French, and bi-fold doors
  • Our patio doors are designed to keep your home comfortable and reduce energy costs
  • Our patio doors are equipped with advanced security features

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    Vinyl Sliding Glass Doors

    Factory Direct Windows and Doors|Versatile Patio Doors

    Upgrade your space with our custom replacement vinyl sliding glass doors, available in configurations ranging from 2 to 6 panels. Seamlessly blend indoor and outdoor living while enjoying the durability and style of our expertly crafted designs. 

    Standard Features

    Steel Reinforced Vertical Panel

    Adds robustness and durability to the door, ensuring long-lasting performance.

    Easy Glide Tandem Ball Bearing Rollers

    Effortlessly slides the door open or closed, providing smooth operation

    Stainless Steel Track

    Enhances durability and ensures a smooth gliding motion.

    Deluxe Handle

    Color-matched to the frame in white enamel, adding a touch of sophistication.

    Heavy Duty Sliding Screen

    Allows fresh air in while keeping insects out.

    7/8” Tempered Insulating Glass

    Offers energy efficiency and sound insulation, creating a comfortable indoor environment.

    Fusion Welded Sash Panels and Frame

    Provides a seamless, sleek look while ensuring structural integrity.

    Low Rise Sill

    Designed to minimize tripping and prevent water ingress, enhancing safety and weather resistance.

    Tempered High Performance Low-E Glass

    Improves energy efficiency by reducing heat transfer.

    Stainless Steel Rollers

    Ensures smooth and durable operation for years to come.

    Optional Colors

    Factory Direct Windows and Doors|Versatile Patio Doors

    Bronze/Cocoa Exterior

    Available on creme white interior only, offering a bold and stylish contrast.

    Factory Direct Windows and Doors|Versatile Patio Doors

    Oak/Cherry Interior

    Available on creme white or tan exterior only, adding a warm and inviting touch to your home.

    Patio Door Installation and Replacement


    Patio doors are more than just entry points; they are a bridge between your indoor comfort and the natural beauty of Florida’s outdoors. Installing a new patio door or replacing an old one can transform the look of your home, improve energy efficiency, and increase security.


    Materials Used in Patio Doors 

    • Vinyl: Durable, low maintenance, and energy-efficient.
    • Wood: Offers a traditional appeal with customizable options.
    • Fiberglass: Known for its resilience and versatility.
    • Aluminum: Lightweight and strong with a modern flair.

     Finding the Best Patio Door Installers in Florida

    • Choosing the right installer is crucial for a successful patio door project. Look for professionals with:
    • Experience and expertise in patio door installation and replacement services 
      Licensed and insured professionals.


    We are familiar with Florida’s climate and building codes, ensuring your patio door withstands local weather conditions and meets regulatory standards.

    Fiberglass French and Patio Doors

    Experience durability and elegance with our Fiberglass French and Patio Doors. Crafted to resist warping and corrosion, these doors withstand all Florida weather conditions. The full-length composite stiles and top/bottom rails act as a shield against moisture, ensuring stability and security for your home.


    Our doors are not just functional, they’re highly customizable, require minimal maintenance, and resist dents and rot. The extended lockblock accommodates various lock types tailored to your security needs. The advanced polyurethane foam core provides superior insulation, creating a cozy atmosphere and saving energy all year round.

    Factory Direct Windows and Doors|Versatile Patio Doors

    Multiple Glass Options Available

    Embrace the enduring beauty and efficiency of our Fiberglass French and Patio Doors, bringing timeless elegance and practicality to your home.

    Factory Direct Windows and Doors|Versatile Patio Doors

    Colonial Grid/ French Door

    These grids feature evenly divided horizontal and vertical bars, offering a classic, timeless look suitable for rustic or heritage-inspired homes. With both internal and external grid options available.

    Factory Direct Windows and Doors|Versatile Patio Doors

    Full Lite

    For a sleek and modern appearance, full lite patio doors boast expansive, uninterrupted glass panels, allowing maximum natural light. Perfect for contemporary or minimalist designs, they create a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.

    Factory Direct Windows and Doors|Versatile Patio Doors

    Internal Blinds

    Internal blinds combine functionality and style. Encapsulated within the glass panels, these blinds offer control over privacy and light without the hassle of cleaning. Ideal for those valuing convenience and a clutter-free look.

    Aluminum Bi-fold doors

    Experience the perfect blend of form and function with our bespoke Origin bi-fold doors, tailored to complement any home style – from period homes to modern builds, unconventional properties to quaint cottages. Our range accommodates diverse preferences, featuring one to eight door sets, with individual doors customizable in width and height. You have the flexibility to choose how these doors open and close, folding in or out, and sliding according to your precise requirements.


    Our bi-fold doors not only redefine spatial dynamics but also seamlessly integrate with existing door and window systems, harmonizing with slim profiles for a sleek aesthetic. The large expanses of glass are encased within robust aluminum profiles, offering a perfect blend of elegance and durability. Transform your living space and embrace the freedom to enjoy your home in an entirely new way with our meticulously crafted bi-fold doors.

    Patio door installation and replacement in Florida can significantly improve your home’s functionality and aesthetic. By understanding the types of doors, materials, and costs involved, and by choosing the right installers, you can ensure a successful and satisfying patio door project.


    Remember, a well-chosen and professionally installed patio door not only enhances your home’s appeal but also contributes to its overall value. Take your time to research and select the best options available in Florida to enjoy the beauty and benefits of a new patio door.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    The duration of patio door installation or replacement varies based on the project’s complexity. Typically, a standard installation in Florida can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day. Custom projects or those requiring structural modifications might take longer. It’s best to consult with your chosen patio door contractor for a more accurate timeline.

    Regular maintenance can extend the life of your patio door. Basic upkeep includes cleaning the tracks, lubricating moving parts, checking for drafts, and ensuring weatherstripping is intact. For specific materials like wood or vinyl, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you’re unsure, consult your patio door company for advice.

    Yes, there are various energy-efficient patio doors available in Florida. Look for doors with energy-saving features like double or triple glazing, low-E coatings, and efficient weatherstripping. Such features help maintain indoor temperatures, reduce energy bills, and are particularly beneficial in Florida’s climate.

    In Florida’s humid and sometimes storm-prone climate, materials like vinyl, fiberglass, and aluminum are popular due to their durability, resistance to corrosion, and low maintenance requirements. Wood can also be a good option if properly treated and maintained against moisture and sun damage.

    Yes, modern patio doors come with various security features such as reinforced frames, multi-point locking systems, and toughened glass. When replacing or installing a new patio door in Florida, discuss security options with your installer to ensure your home’s safety.